Go buy the new Jack Johnson CD. The song Angel is my new favorite, but the whole CD is amazing. Also, if you are a beatles/musicals fan, watch Across the Universe. It is weird and artsy, but I enjoyed it immensely...even with Shaylee almost ruining the ending by telling me what was about to happen!
Super Tuesday is passed and it looks like the only answer we got is that all the candidates are childish and petty. Out of everyone, I lean more towards McCain. I like his leadership style and past experience. If that makes me a bad mormon...so be it. I dont have anything against Romney, but I have never looked at him, or heard him and thought, I want to make him the next POTUS. Too many tanning beds and salons. How will he read his national security briefing with those little goggles over his eyes? Good guy, but should stay in business to make other people rich, that will do more to help the economy than any republican president could do with Harry Reid as the Senate Majority Leader. I still like Obama, if only I agreed with what he stands for. Wouldnt it be great to see a brotha in the White House? Maybe he could make Condi his running mate! That would be a sight to see...
Im headed up to the Utah-UNLV game tonight. I think it will be a close game until the final 7 or 8 minutes. Rebels by 9. Justin and I are making the trip up and will head back after the game. Oh, the joys of college life!
Holiday Road
6 years ago
oh dixon...i dont even know what to say...
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